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The purpose of this form is:

To allow a victim to complete details of their loss, injury or damage

To provide the prosecutor with the details to make an application for compensation in court.

Original documents to be retained by police. Copies to CPS should be edited so as to not disclose the victim’s address.

See Note 9.




1. A defendant may be ordered to pay compensation for any injury, loss or damage resulting from an offence to which he has pleaded guilty or been convicted, or which he has asked to be taken into consideration (TIC).

2. Where possible, the form MG19 should be completed at the same time as the statement of complaint . The victim should be given a form MG19 as soon as possible after the defendant has been charged or the offence has been listed as TIC. If it has not been possible to obtain details before an early hearing, an estimate of the damage or loss should be included in the MG5.

3. Where a victim has difficulty in completing the form (e.g. through illness, age or illiteracy) police should provide assistance to do so.

4. The names and addresses of all claimants must be listed on form MG6 and marked as restricted unless MG19s have been completed in respect of all those witnesses.

5. Section C of the MG19 should include details of any doctor, dentist or other specialist who has attended to the claimant in order that statements can be obtained where required.

6. The victim can make a claim for loss of “no claims” insurance bonus where applicable.

7. Where a victim requires more time to provide full details this should be noted on the MG6 but submission of the file should not be delayed. A brief estimate of damage/loss should, in the meantime be included on form MG5 (see 2 above).

8 Details received from the victim after file submission should be sent to the CPS under cover of form MG20.

9. Originals of estimates, receipts, bills etc in support of the claim should be retained by police. Copies, edited to ensure the victim’s address is not disclosed, should be provided to the CPS. The originals must not be edited. The CPS must also ensure the copies passed to the defence do not contain details of the victim’s address.

10. By local agreement, standard agreed lists showing the value of repair or replacement of Council/police property may be prepared and used to inform applications for compensation.

11. The Magistrates’ Association has guidelines to assist in the setting of awards for personal injury.


If there are delays in obtaining information, give reasons and state how much longer is required.

Indicate what documents are attached by marking the relevant box.

Where there are a number of different documents within the same category, the number should be entered in the box.

Complete URN to ensure that the information on this form is correctly linked to the original file.